FTP patch


This image was created for Farm-to-Prison (FTP) is a project focused on reproductive and food justice at the intersection of childbearing and incarceration. They are based out of Denver, Colorado. Learn more about the programs and work they do HERE including a Community Apothecary and Abortion Fund. You can see the two color screen print that this patch is from HERE.

Their mission statement is:

To provide resources to incarcerated parents and their families.
To strengthen our communities through food, social support, and education.
To bring awareness to the impact incarceration has on families and communities.
To support our communities through building an accessible apothecary.
Delivering medicines to unhoused folks.
Funding abortions.

This print highlights some of the work that FTP does. The herbs are all aboritfacients, from the left-hand side going counter-clockwise they are mugwort, pennyroyal, queen anne’s lace, black cohosh and parsley.

1/2 the proceeds of these patches are going to FTP to continue to support the amazing work they do. Please check them out, follow the work they do on instagram and donate directly to them if you have the funds! They printed shirts of this illustration, you can find out how to get one by following them on their instagram: @farmtoprison

Weight 2 oz
Dimensions 10 × 11 in
Fabric Color

Any Pattern, Any Solid Color, Cream, Gold Leaf Pattern, Orange & Green Tie-Dye, Floral, White